Bloomsday Project 7: ‘Wandering Rocks’ Bloomsday Journey

by Ana Ramos and Carlos Ramos

Sister and brother Ana and Carlos traveled from different parts of Europe (she, Madrid; he, Luxembourg) to celebrate a special Bloomsday together with their families. Their “Wandering Rocks” project involved sharing from afar the experience of reading Ulysses and then on June 16 sharing the experience of letting the story guide them through Dublin.

what parallel courses did these wandering rocks follow across dublin

they read at martello tower at 8am in the wind and the sea

they then had breakfast at the gresham ballroom joining in the general merriment

they later stood at the door of 7 eccles street without the key

they gave it a name and had some wine of the country at davy byrnes

and then paid a visit to swenys with a fourpence soap

they later read to each other in stephens green

and heard the songs of the era at the bandstand

their eyelids sank quietly as they walked in the happy warmth of a day well spent

Project Announcement (20 March 2012)

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2 responses to “Bloomsday Project 7: ‘Wandering Rocks’ Bloomsday Journey

  1. What a wonderful project … I love Dublin and I would like to live there for ever… I haven´t read Ulysses though (you need guts to do it) but I thouroughly enjoyed the reading of “A portrait of the artist as a young man” By the way one week ago; wandering around our neighbourghood, we found a beautiful Irish pub called “James Joyce with lovely pictures and paintings of him and other mementos from his life and, I thought of you. I thought “what a pity I won´t be able to be in Brussels by the time you will be around, we would come here and have some Guinness in this lovely Irish pub” What a wonderful coincidence… Anyway; I hope to go there with you some day…
    Lots of love XXX Isabel

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